A320neo flight control computers certified

Dec 21. 2015 

After a rigorous flight test campaign with the first A320neo, the autopilot and fly-by-wire Flight Control System (FCS) computers designed by Thales have all successfully passed the certification audits, contributing to A320neo Type Certification by the EASA and FAA on 24 November 2015.

The Flight Control System for the A320neo family comprises the ELAC, SEC, FAC and FMGC* computers developed by Thales in partnership with Airbus.

The success of the NEO projects, on time and with the necessary level of maturity, is the result of close collaboration between the Thales and Airbus teams.

The teams are now focused on the A320neo standard variant, currently being flight tested.

*Elevator Aileron Computer (ELAC), Spoiler Elevator Computer (SEC), Flight Augmentation Computer (FAC) and Flight Management Guidance Computer (FMGC).

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