iDeck cockpit demonstrator on display at ICAO Air Navigation Conference
Thales will participate actively in the 12th Air Navigation Conference organized by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) in Montreal, Canada, from 19th to 30th November 2012.

The conference will address the latest version of the Global Air Navigation Plan including Aviation System Block Upgrades, which will put us en route to a global interoperable, harmonized and modern air transportation system.
During this conference, Thales will showcase its global solutions for onboard and ground systems. The state-of-the-art iDeck demonstrator will be on display. This demonstrator shows Thales's unique air and ground capabilities and the work Thales carries out as part of wide-scale studies such as SESAR, Clean Sky and NextGen (see operational scenarios below).
As a leader on ground, airborne and space segments, Thales has participated in the definition of ICAO’s Aviation System Block upgrades. Our solutions already meet Block 0, we are delivering technologies for Block 1 and we are involved in the essential research and development for Blocks 2 and 3. Airport Operations, AIM (Aeronautical Information Management), SWIM (System Wide Information Management), Enhanced En-route Trajectory, Datalink, PBN (Performance Based Navigation), Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM) and Air Traffic Situational Awareness are just a few of the many areas Thales is involved in.
iDeck demonstrator
The following operational scenarios, which are perfectly synchronized with ATC (Air Traffic Control), will be presented in Montreal:
I4D (Initial 4D Trajectory):
The demonstration will replay the world’s first I-4D trial flight between Toulouse, Copenhagen and Stockholm, which took place on February 10th, 2012. Thales played an essential role in the SESAR live trial with our TopSky - ATC in Sweden and our new generation Flight Management System on board the Airbus A320.
Initial 4D operations consist of giving a time constraint at a metering point to each aircraft converging to this point in order to sequence the traffic. The 4D trajectory management, which is a major part of the SESAR programme, aims to optimize the traffic in a congested area.
D-Taxi (Digital-Taxi):
Digital-Taxi is about communicating the authorized circulation path via CPDL (Controller Pilot Data Link) and visual representation in the cockpit through the ANF (Airport Navigation Function). Taxi route clearances will be able to be exchanged via datalink thanks to Thales’s TopSky - Tower and On-Board Navigation System.
ASAS (Airborne Separation Assistance Systems): ASAS spacing helps to pace traffic flow by ensuring that aircraft speed is adjusted to maintain spacing relative to other aircraft, in line with controller-set requirements.
Eco Take-Off:
The Eco Take-off concept optimizes take-off and climb profile in order to define the trade-off between CO2 emissions and noise reductions.