Oct 19. 2021  An ATC Platform designed by & for Air Traffic Controllers :

A new aviation era is coming which requires a safer, eco-friendly and sustainable worldwide air traffic management ecosystem. To build this future together, Thales Digital is putting the end-users, the air traffic controllers, in the driving seat, prioritizing their operational expertise and know-how in the design and development of a unique ATC platform. is an advanced platform leveraging a community of open-minded and passionate air traffic controllers all over the world. The main aim is to make the future for ATCOs a more flexible, collaborative and less stressful experience. is a free of charge cloud-based platform available to any air traffic controller in the world and it supports air traffic controllers in making eco-friendly decisions, accessible to anyone/anytime/anywhere.

By joining the Community, you will live a new experience being connected to ATCOs all over the world and getting a free of charge access to the ATC platform we are jointly building.

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The founder of the platform, Areski Hadjaz, Product-Led Growth Director AMS, shared his excitement on LinkedIn:

“I spent 1 year of insightful discussions with #ATCOs all over the world, putting their own spare time on it.

As simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, we designed together a simple cloud ATC Platform hosting the key features any ATCO needs (No more than the essential). All this has been done with passionated and engaged people with limited resources, which is good to focus on what matter most. As an intrapreneur, I am grateful to my company #Thales for promoting and supporting such initiatives. That is a first step before adressing the next big thing, what will definitively change the way atcos communicate, enhancing coordination between ATCOs and support eco-friendly decisions.”

Read the LinkedIn post




#Air Traffic Control #Better Skies Together #BST