Optimizing the Passenger and Airline Experience through Digital Transformation

Jun 27. 2018  Airline passengers bring to the cabin high expectations for the inflight connectivity experience that has been shaped by their experiences on the ground, explained Gustavo Nader, Vice President, Strategy for Thales InFlyt Experience, in his recent keynote at APEX TECH. These passengers want to continue to do on the airplane the same things they do on the ground, in the way they want or need to them.

That’s our mission at Thales InFlyt Experience – partnering with our airline customers to enable a best-in-class onboard experience with a comprehensive portfolio of inflight entertainment systems that exceed the expectations of passengers in every market segment, and with the most advanced connectivity solutions and digital services to connect and inspire them throughout their journey.

Thales is working diligently to optimize the passenger and airline experience through digital transformation. We believe that the foundation of a superior onboard entertainment experience rests on four pillars: connectivity, cybersecurity, big data and artificial intelligence, forming a digital ecosystem that enables true and sustainable value to our airline customers and their passengers.

On connectivity, Thales’s FlytLIVE service will exceed passenger expectations for an experience consistent with that on the ground through a custom-designed satellite network, including the SES-17 satellite planned to enter service in 2021, to deliver unmatched data rates and service level agreements across the Americas.

On cybersecurity, the airlines and their passengers expect privacy, integrity and security for the data and information they choose to send and receive while relying on inflight connectivity. Recognizing the ubiquitous nature of the need for cybersecurity, Thales has invested in the acquisition of Vormetric and Gemalto, bringing their global leadership in digital security and industrial IoT to further strengthen its aero connectivity solution, underscoring cybersecurity as a core competency and reaffirming Thales’ position as a trusted provider. GDPR is a natural continuation and evolution of what we have been doing.

Media and data-rich entertainment options are the norm everywhere, competing for customer eyeballs (and share-of-wallet). In order to offer a differentiated user experience that delights the passenger and creates opportunities for personalization (and monetization), Thales is investing significantly in big data and artificial intelligence, through the acquisition of Guavus and the creation of the Digital Factory in France and the CortAIx center for artificial intelligence in Canada. Big data and artificial intelligence are key enablers for the digital transformation required to tailor the delivery of content to the passenger in a responsive and, when opportune, proactive and anticipatory fashion.

It is exciting for us at Thales to be able to partner every step of the way with our customers to help them bring this vision to their passengers through digital transformation, making tomorrow possible today.

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