Thales EVP Yannick Assouad comment piece - How new security checkpoints are about to revolutionise the airport experience for passengers

Jun 15. 2022  Yannick Assouad, EVP Avionics at Thales, has published an opinion piece on LinkedIn that focuses on airport security checkpoints, and how the process could be about to become far simpler thanks to the use of 3D X-ray imaging, nanotechnologies and cybersecure Artificial Intelligence capabilities.

"Airport security checkpoints have become synonymous with the stressful and complex process of having to juggle with bags, liquids, and electrical appliances. It could be about to become far simpler thanks to the use of 3D X-ray imaging, nanotechnologies and cybersecure Artificial Intelligence capabilities. Could the phrase “Any liquids?” soon be a thing of the past?" 

In her article, Yannick Assouad explains how a simpler, streamlined but ever more secure security checkpoint process is just around the corner, with Thales's HELIXVIEW  product aiming for certification by the end of 2023. 


#Airport security; Airport; HELIXVIEW