Thales EVP Yannick Assouad's comment piece on LinkedIn: 'The systems enabling tomorrow’s increasingly connected passenger experience'

Aug 26. 2021  Yannick Assouad, EVP Avionics at Thales, has published an opinion piece on LinkedIn that focuses on cabin connectivity, and the levers enabling passengers to enjoy the kind of travel experience at 30,000 feet that is comparable to anything they are accustomed to enjoying at ground level!

Yannick Assouad, Avionics EVP at Thales, has published a new opinion piece on LinkedIn in which she talks about the progress being achieved in the field of cabin connectivity. 

In it she identifies the technological levers and value-added services enabling airline passengers to use and enjoy their online apps, streaming services and social media in flight... in short, the kind of travel experience at 30,000 feet that is comparable to anything they are accustomed to at ground level!

Featuring interesting and easy-to-understand technical information about satellite communications and customizable in-flight entertainment systems, the article serves as a great introduction to the advances in cabin technologies that we are proud to be spearheading at Thales! 


#connected aircraft #Connectivity #In flight entertainment