Thales, partnering the world-first initial four-dimensional (I4-D) flight by providing a combination of ground and airborne solutions

Jul 06. 2012 

The world’s first I-4D trial flight took place on February 10th 2012. An Airbus A320 test aircraft flew from Toulouse to Copenhagen and Stockholm and then back to Toulouse, testing initial four-dimensional (I-4D) flight operations during different flight phases.

The concept of initial four-dimensional flight is a major part of the headway being made on the SESAR programme towards 4D trajectory management with the ultimate aim to optimize flights. I-4D flight operations consist of a coordination of aircraft trajectory between ground systems and the aircraft allowing to establish in advance a sequence for all aircraft flying to a merging point in a congested area. Thales was on board this first I-4D flight with an upgraded flight management system (FMS) providing the capability to guarantee a reliable time of arrival to a metering point and to share FMS predictions with the ground. Thales also provided a complete Air Traffic Control (ATC) system to the SESAR industry-Based Platform in position at NORACON as well as an ATC Simulator up-graded to use I-4D functionalities.   Watch the I-4D video:  


#I4-D #Initial 4D #SESAR