Thales’s ScaleFlyt Platform to support safe and secure deployment of drone operations in Australia

Apr 07. 2022  Thales’s ScaleFlyt Platform, which enables large-scale drone operations through trusted planning, record keeping, risk assessment and corporate fleet management, has been approved by CASA, Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority, and is now available to Australian drone operators!

Flying a drone implies sharing skies with others. Making sure that drones fly safely and operations are managed securely is the key for the market to reach its full potential. While the Australian market for drones is set to grow, reaching an estimated 5.5 billion Australian Dollars in 2030, CASA has set rules to secure operations.

Subsequent to being green-lighted by CASA, the ScaleFlyt Platform will be deployed from April 2022, offering operators access to all the information they need to safely and lawfully fly their drones fleet through a simple and intuitive tool. From planning the missions, creating flight plans according to local safety requirements, and managing the fleet, everything can now be easily managed in a single platform powered by Thales.

The ScaleFlyt Platform grants access to all the official information from CASA and Airservices Australia to ensure local regulatory compliance and transparency, as well as the State Emergency Services, national parks and electricity power lines suppliers.

Formerly known as Soarizon, the ScaleFlyt Platform is already helping thousands of users worldwide to schedule, send and fly safe and compliant drone missions.

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