Tune into our podcasts and listen to how the following ATCO Communities have adapted their work post COVID-19 - IFATCA - Australia - Indonesia

Jul 16. 2021  Listen to how the following ATCO Communities have adapted their work post COVID-19 - IFATCA - Australia - Indonesia

Philippe Domogala, Tom McRobert, Frédéric Deleau and Setio Anggoro


Philippe Domogala, in charge of IFATCA’s members and events give us first insights and impressions on the subject, what has changed for him and his views on changes to come.












Tom McRobert, President of Civil Air / Australian ATC Union is interviewed in this podcast and shares with other members of the Better Skies Together community ideas to help them manage the present period better.








Frederic Deleau, Executive Vice-President Europe at IFATCA is interviewed in the fourth podcast of the series and explain us how about maintaining controller proficiency, what will be different and how are the controllers coping.








Setio Anggoro, VP of Air Navigation Service Planning / AirNav Indonesia and Secretary General for the Indonesian Air Traffic Controllers Association shares his views on the COVID-19 pandemics effect on the Indonesian Air Traffic Controllers and what the Union and AirNav Indonesia Management did to get through these times.


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