UX Center of Excellence driving digital transformation

Dec 16. 2016 

To deliver an exceptional customer satisfaction, Thales InFlyt Experience has created a User Experience (UX) Center of Excellence (CoE). This organization is specialized in the user-centered design of Thales’s In-Flight Entertainment products, and works across the whole company with all disciplines to improve usability, accessibility and interaction.

People are constantly interacting with several devices such as tablets, cellphones, smart TVs and computers, all of which are connected and more or less well synchronized. Thales Inflyt Experience is investing in human factors to provide the best interaction patterns as well as visual and industrial design in the market, not only for passengers but also for crew and maintenance teams.

The goal is to improve the usability, accessibility and enjoyment of interacting with the Thales systems. During UX workshops that embrace Design Thinking methods, we collaborate with our customers to ideate, prototype and run usability testing on new concepts or designs that will differentiate their brand in a crowded market. In the same manner, we are also developing a competitive edge by quantitatively differentiating our system from the competition thanks to the Evidence Based Design.

As part of the Digital Transformation journey, we are fostering innovative approaches utilizing new ways to interact and collaborate with our customers. For instance, the use of cloud-based tools enables rapid prototyping, sharing of requirements and development progress with airline customers. This can be demoed with the working software running on various devices, all in a living and dynamic environment. Since the launch of the organization in August 2016, The UXCoE has already received positive feedback from many airline customers.

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#Human factors #IFE #technology #thales #user experience center