Vertical Mag puts the StableLight autopilot to the test!

Nov 19. 2021  Vertical Magazine recently boarded an Airbus AS350 to try out the Thales/StandardAero StableLight four-axis autopilot for light helicopters. The end-result is a fascinating 11-page magazine feature including many great pictures and an excellent video!

When Vertical Mag recently boarded an Airbus AS350 to try out the Thales/StandardAero StableLight four-axis autopilot for light helicopters, test pilot and writer Robert Erdos noted that his workload was so slight that even his cat could handle piloting duties!... 

He summed up by saying that "StableLight made the helicopter easier to fly, made it safer, and enabled it to conduct new and different missions for its operators. Win-win-win." 

Here is the video published by Vertical Magazine to tie in with the report: 

> To learn more about StableLight, go to:

All about the Compact Autopilot

Article visuals reproduced courtesy of Vertical Magazine.


#autopilot #Helicopter #StableLight #StandardAero