FAA certification milestone for Thales-equipped S-76D helicopter!

Oct 18. 2012 

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has approved the Type Certificate for the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation’s S-76D helicopter, which is equipped with the Thales TopDeck avionics suite.

TopDeck is an integrated modular avionics suite in a glass cockpit, representing Thales’s most advanced avionics suite for rotor-wing aircraft. The cockpit will feature a new “click to fly” ability based on a concept that has never been installed on a helicopter before. This concept, known as Icube-S, is based on functionalities that improve Intuitivity, Interactivity, Integration and Safety.

Yves Joannic, Thales Vice President and Managing Director of Helicopter Avionics at Thales Avionics, stated “We are delighted that the FAA has approved the certification for the latest model of Sikorsky’s world class S-76 series helicopter. This milestone could not have been achieved without a strong partnership between Thales and Sikorsky.”

Functions at the pilot’s fingertips

Commenting on the technological innovations, Mr Joannic added that “TopDeck allows a pilot flying the S-76D to directly control cockpit tasks on his displays using an intuitive Cursor Control Device (CCD). This device is the first of its kind on a helicopter and puts all functions at the pilot’s fingertips, thus reducing the pilot’s workload, shortening reaction time and increasing safety.”

Carey Bond, President of Sikorsky Global Helicopters, said: “We are excited to deliver a new product that represents three and a half decades of continuous product improvement, offering a helicopter with improved efficiency, power and best-in-class noise signature. The increased reliability and safety delivered in the Thales cockpit on the S-76D helicopter builds upon the well-established safety and reliability record of the S-76 helicopter series.”

  • S-76D and TopDeck are registered trademarks | Cockpit and S-76D photos: copyright Sikorsky


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