Thales strengthens its ties with China Southern Airlines
Thales will install 30 B737NG, with the intention to include 50 B737MAX, with a package of components including the Thales/ACSS TCAS3000, the TopFlight SATCOM (Inmarsat) and the Low Range Radio Altimeter.
Topflight SATCOM (Inmarsat) is the most popular satellite communications terminal for all cockpit communications on Boeing and Airbus single aisle platforms. The Thales TopFlight (Inmarsat) SATCOM offers both voice and data services of up to 864kbps within the cockpit, providing airlines with the flexibility to configure channels according to their requirements. It was the first ARINC 781 SATCOM system to be certified on Boeing aircraft, and it remains the most reliable satellite communication system in the commercial air transport market. Its B737 configuration will provide two voice and one data channels, enabling ACARS & FANS1 communications, and can be configured to deliver Swiftbroadband to the cockpit, thus future proofing cockpit connectivity for the industry’s increasing data requirements.
The Thales Low Range Radio Altimeter (LRRA) is a proven radio transceiver with a measured reliability higher than 10,000 flight hour Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF).
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