Aerospace industry brings issues to the table in Brussels

Dec 19. 2010 

Thales was among the industrial partners representing the aerospace industry at the European Parliament in Brussels for Aeroweek, an event aimed at raising awareness of industry initiatives among EU policymakers.

Aerospace industry brings issues to the table in Brussels picture

The Aeroweek events, which ran November 30 through to December 3, highlighted challenges faced by the sector and proposed solutions. Industry initiatives include those aimed at making air transport more sustainable, safer and more competitive.

Senior aerospace industry representatives presented to key European decision-makers a policy manifesto with recommendations on the future of aerospace in Europe. These include putting aviation at the heart of EU policy actions, on-going support for programmes such as Clean Sky, as well as guaranteeing the production of biofuels for aviation.

During the events - hosted by the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD) - experts, scientists and prominent industry representatives debated with EU policy-makers to try and answer questions on many of these issues.

On a European level, Thales is developing solutions and setting standards related to air traffic and climate change within the framework of both the SESAR and Clean Sky initiatives.


The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) Joint Undertaking is an Air Traffic Management (ATM) programme created by the European Commission (EC) and Eurocontrol. It encompasses the design of a modern, up-to-date ATM system that complies with the legal requirements of the Single European Sky.

Clean Sky

Find out more about Clean Sky in Onboard’s interview with Marc Fabreguettes, the programme manager for Thales’s Clean Sky activities.



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