Austro Control relies on Thales to modernise Austrian aviation infrastructure

Oct 20. 2017 

Thales announced the commercial launch of its next generation Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Radio ranging system – the DVOR 532. As well as the signature of a frame contract with launch customer Austro Control.

Austrian air space will be equipped with the most modern short and medium range en-route navigation technology helping to ensure safe and accurate flight navigation across the airspace.

The new DVOR 532 delivers superior navigation signal performance and reduced lifecycle costs in an easy to maintain package as compared to all other products on the market. While aviation increases its reliance on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the VOR remains a critical aviation infrastructure system due to vulnerability of GNSS signals and nearly universal equipage of aircraft to use VOR signals for navigation.

Thales will deliver, install and provide training for up to eight new DVOR systems. Austro Control will begin to take over operation of the systems as flight checks for the new systems are completed with the first to take place before the end of 2017.

About the DVOR 532

It is a ground based radio navigation aid for short and medium range for en-route and technical guidance. It transmits an omni-directional signal that enables an aircraft to determine its bearing relative to the location of the beacon. The Doppler version of the VOR system provides a highly precise azimuth signal, suitable for difficult geographical conditions. The DVOR 532 meets increasingly demanding international design and safety standards such as DO 278 / ED 109 for software assurance.


More than 7,000 navigation aids installed in 170 countries. Complete portfolio of products fitting all mandatory regulations.

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