Avionics EVP Yannick Assouad's comment piece on LinkedIn: 'The non-CO2 keys to reducing the environmental impact of aviation'

The condensation trails (or contrails) left by aircraft as they criss-cross the sky may be photogenic, but their greenhouse effect has been identified as a major variable in the planet’s temperature and climate. This is the starting point of Thales's Avionics EVP Yannick Assouad's latest LinkedIn opinion piece in which she notes that much has been done and continues to be done in the aviation sector's fight against carbon dioxide emissions. But there are key levers to be activated to minimizing non-CO2-related climate effects, such as those associated with contrails and nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions.
Yannick Assouad goes on to explain how Thales is applying this to up-and-coming systems such as the Flights Footprint application, which will enable operators to map out the areas where contrails will form during a flight. She also refers to Thales's recently-released white paper on eco-friendly flight operations.
Read the full article on LinkedIn by clicking here.
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