Clean Sky program: Gearing up to flight tests

Aug 10. 2015 

Clean Sky places Europe at the forefront of ever-greener aviation. Addressing societal needs according to the EU Horizon 2020 strategy, Clean Sky is aiming for technological breakthroughs to mitigate the environmental impact of air transport, and brings together key aerospace players with common objectives. Thales is making a significant contribution across two pillars: electrical systems and flight management functions.

Discover how Clean Sky is a major contributor to the avionics innovations of Thales with Philippe Priouzeau, technical director of Thales’s commercial avionics activities.

About Clean Sky
Clean Sky ensures the involvement of the main industrial players but also universities, research institutes and SMEs. Clean Sky is an open club, active in 24 European countries, with more than 600 participants, 40% of whom are SMEs. Clean Sky technologies will achieve, come 2020, a 20% to 30% reduction in average CO2 emissions in comparison with year 2000 technologies. Clean Sky 2 builds upon the achievements of the current programme to decrease CO2 emissions further still by 2050. Clean Sky is well on track and has already achieved tangible results: its achievements are monitored both by dedicated, independent scientific tools and by reviews. The Technology Evaluator assesses the situation with regards to environmental targets.

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