FlytX, the ultimate modular cockpit avionics solution, rolls out for all helicopter types

Mar 06. 2019  At this year’s HAI Heli-Expo trade show, Thales unveiled the helicopter version of its brand new FlytX cockpit avionics suite, the ultimate in breakthrough crew-centric, compact, customizable, connected technologies.

FlytX is the new ready-to-fly linefit and retrofit cockpit avionics suite offering from Thales. It is the result of ten years of research, studies, innovation and collaboration between industry players, airlines and operators, pilots and many other functions of various aircraft organizations. The solution, which is now available for installation on board helicopters, is underpinned by four key principles.

The first is its crew-centric focus, with a cockpit layout and user-friendly touchscreen interfaces that have been designed to ease piloting and reduce workload, all of which in turn enhances safety. The tools available at the pilots’ fingertips are entirely mission-minded, designed for maximum efficiency and capable of incorporating future evolutions.

The second is its compactness and high level of integration, through a combination of FlytX’s minimal SWaP (Size, Weight and Power) footprint and a much smaller number of individual line-replaceable components than in previous-generation cockpits.

FlytX’s third driver is that it is totally customizable and scalable, allowing airframers to adapt the cockpit to their specific requirements and enabling them to incorporate their own, distinctive signature cockpit features.

Finally, FlytX is fully and natively connected, interfacing seamlessly with other aviation players, in the air and on the ground, and able to draw on open-world devices, data and applications in a cyber-secure environment.

For helicopter manufacturers and operators, the FlytX suite of solutions is available in various modular configurations, ranging from single-screen to four-screen displays.

Through the FlytX product line, Thales is leveraging these crew-centric, compact, customizable and connected assets to deliver the next generation of avionics for helicopters to airframers and operators, today.



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