Thales EVP Yannick Assouad - The Evidence-Based Training path to safer, more efficient piloting

One of the key levers to enhancing flight safety is through strengthened pilot training and certification. The development of Evidence-Based Training (EBT), which focuses on the non-technical skills and competencies that are required to build resilience, holds tremendous promise, and is at the heart of the recently-announced PERCEVAL project.
In her latest LinkedIn opinion piece, Yannick Assouad, Thales EVP for Avionics, explains how EBT and the PERCEVAL project can truly empower pilots and enable them to ever more efficient in their everyday performance.
"EBT provides the means to help the instructor or assessor gain a better and more global vision of what is going on in the simulated cockpit environment, by looking at competences rather than tasks, enhancing the technical skills and competencies that are required to build resilience in the face of the unknown. The EBT solution therefore introduces objectivity by providing facts and metrics to the instructor to feed the evaluation. I am very much looking forward to hearing about the progress that is set to be made by the PERCEVAL project over the coming months, and to seeing how it contributes to empowering pilots and enabling them to be ever more efficient in their everyday performance, and to be at the helm of ever-safer flights."
Read the full article on LinkedIn by clicking here.
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