HeliMission lands at Heli Expo

Mar 08. 2017 

At Heli Expo this year, Thales is showcasing HeliMission, its flight and mission training demonstrator based on immersive VR-technology simulation in an AW139 platform version.

The HeliMission demonstrator allows customers to experience the excellence of our training solutions, by flying a specifically designed immersive simulator as close as possible to the Reality H high fidelity Full Flight Simulator. This device features high fidelity visuals thanks to an immersive head-mounted VR display (HTC Vive), high fidelity flight and controls equivalent to a level D qualified full flight simulator, and full instructor control on the environment.

Thales’s high-fidelity Reality H helicopter Full Flight Simulator (FFS) is the most realistic and immersive training systems to ensure maximum training values and mission-readiness for helicopter crews. Thanks to its innovative modeling technologies, Reality H™ benefits from a dual EASA/FAA FFS Level B and D and EASA FTD 3/ FAA FTD 6 certification, and allows to reach operational efficiency whatever the type of mission (Search and Rescue, Oil & Gas, fire operations, civil security or EMS, etc.).

To know more, watch the video below

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