Launch of the Man-Machine Teaming advanced study programme

Mar 21. 2018  On Friday 16th of March, Florence Parly, French Minister of the Armed Forces, has officially launched the "Man-Machine-Teaming" preliminary advanced study programme awarded by the French Defence procurement agency (DGA) to Dassault Aviation and Thales to develop the necessary Artificial Intelligence technologies for combat aviation of the future.

The Man-Machine Teaming advanced study programme will take place over three years and will involve Dassault Aviation (lead contractor, air combat system) and Thales (co-contractor, Human/System interface and sensors).

MMT aims to define future cockpits and independent systems; improve innovative technologies in Man-Machine teaming within the cognitive air system, particularly decision-making autonomy and machine learning; enhance concepts and technologies in the field of smart / learning sensors.

Cognitive air system

During her visit, the Minister of the Armed Forces was particularly able to see the "cognitive air system" concept, which is based on more autonomous functions on board aircraft and on a Man- Machine relationship, in which the human element is constantly maintained in the decision loop.

Florence Parly also met representatives of about a hundred French start-ups, SMEs, laboratories and research centres specialised in Artificial Intelligence, robotics and new Man-Machine interfaces. This ecosystem will be involved in the advanced study programme, in partnership with Dassault Aviation and Thales, to develop cutting-edge algorithms and propose disruptive solutions.

This project is fully in line with Thales's strategy of "open innovation" (an inclusive strategy of knowledge sharing) with an ecosystem of SMEs and start-ups, reflecting what the Group has already achieved with Station F where it has been chosen as a partner for cybersecurity.

In the field of avionics, our researches will be focused on optimizing the mission in an ever-changing environment and creating a more natural Human-Machine interaction thanks to smarter systems.

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#artificial intelligence #Cockpit #Connectivity #Dassault #Human factors #Innovation #Man-Machine-Teaming #technology #thales