Scorpion on board South Korean Light Armed Helicopter

Jul 13. 2016 

As the result of an open competition, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) has chosen Thales’s Scorpion® HMSDs (Helmet-Mounted Sight Displays) to equip South Korea’s Light Armed Helicopters (LAH). Scorpion® was chosen for its efficiency, modern technology and reliability and will be on board the helicopters at the beginning of the 2020s.

Scorpion® HMSD has been selected for Engineering, Manufacturing and Development and will equip the LAH upon completion. The program represents some 200 helicopters.

Scorpion®, with its HObIT (Hybrid Optical based Inertial Tracking) head tracking system, provides highly accurate, reliable, and non-intrusive cockpit integration. As the only full-color display on the market using a single display for day and night, pilots can operate a smooth transition from day mode to night.

Scorpion® is fully compatible with all standard Night Vision Goggles. Conformal and color symbology is now always available by day and night on an unlimited field of regard. Any standard video format will be also available.

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