The SIMMAD* assigns the supply chain market of aeronautical consumables to Thales
For the next 10 years, Thales will be responsible for managing a controlled supply chain that is adapted to the aeronautical constraints of the French Air Force.
Thales will contribute its expertise and solid experience regarding the aeronautical environment, airworthiness constraints and obsolescence management, as well as its control of dual, specially adapted central purchasing organisations.
Storage and transportation of aeronautical spare parts will be outsourced to Kuehne + Nagel, one of the global leaders in logistics, currently responsible for the European supply chain of consumable items for some of the major players in the aerospace industry. Recurring items will be dispatched to the various sites within 7 days and the service will be fully operational in September 2017.
Thales will use innovative, adaptable high-tech solutions, such as interconnected systems and big data analysis, to optimise deliveries and guarantee availability of the aeronautical parts stored in the state-owned warehouses.
*French defence ministry's integrated through-life support structure for aeronautical equipment and systems
Photo: SIMMAD-supply chain of aeronautical consumables ©EricRaz
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