TopWings, the connected & mobile Electronic Flight Bag solution

Feb 06. 2015 

Thales-hosted a live webinar on TopWings, our global Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) solution on January 29th . Pierre-Yvan Pecunia, in charge of marketing and business development for TopWings at Thales, details the main messages of this webinar for us.

TopWings is a unique, ground-breaking Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) concept developed by Thales. This solution provides airlines and operators with a total end-to-end, connected and customized EFB solution, from design to full support including onboard and ground software & hardware and associated services. It also enables the live transfer of data between the aircraft and the ground, thus offering new means of connectivity

By selecting Thales for your EFB project instead of contracting with multiple suppliers, you have a single contract for EFB Hardware Software & Services with a commitment at full system level.

Thales does not necessarily mean complex solutions! With Topwings you can build your project step by step, starting with a tablet and a few applications. The solution is flexible and enables the airline to develop a growth path guaranteed with advanced functions.

At the same time, by choosing Thales, the airline or the operator will transfer all risks in terms of schedule and costs to Thales. We commit to an on-time entry into service and all the costs are known in advance.

Thales TopWings relies on our existing worldwide support and services network. We have people based in three continents, AOG (Aircraft on Ground) desks, field service representatives, 24-hour helpdesk.

In addition, we have launched our own EFB hardware tablet called Thales Pad. It is a certified, rugged Windows tablet that has been specifically designed for avionics cockpit use and it is backed by professional support. Our solution goes much further than the consumer electronic devices as we have added specific features dedicated to the pilot and the cockpit.


Thales Pad specific features:

  • Avionics grade display readable in all luminosity conditions, night and day
  • Secure communications with avionics and open world
  • A single connector for data and power fully integrated in a patented aircraft docking station
  • Fully compliant to DO160, EFB AC 120-76 and AMC 20-25
  • Removable battery, GPS, Backlighted buttons, ADSB-in capable…

For more information:


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