Upcoming webinar: TopWings EFB demonstration

Jan 24. 2013 

Join us for a Thales-hosted webinar on TopWings, our global Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) solution on 31st of January 2013. During this webinar we will present our unique, integrated, end-to-end EFB offering comprising software, hardware and services.

You will hear all about the key challenges of a successful A-to-Z implementation of an EFB project.  These will be illustrated in the context of a real case study. Thales, as prime integrator,  is currently implementing TopWings for a European flag carrier.

You will discover that the basis for an effective EFB program is to capture the exact needs of all players within the Airline, from the Flight Ops to the CFO, Quality department and IT. This enables the design of a customized solution that is flexible, scalable and configurable in order to match the airline’s needs.

We will also present the means Thales has to test and validate the global EFB solution by using our avionics methodology, test rig integration and installation support. The airline benefits from the early validation of the solution and rapid maturity of their project. Thales supports the airline in obtaining the mandatory operational approval.

One of the main challenges for the airline is to inform and involve people in the implementation of the EFB strategy as it changes the ways of working. With Thales, the airline makes sure that the EFB project is an opportunity to improve their processes and results in a swift return on investment.


How to sign up for the Webinar:

Simply click here, fill in your details and then select your preferred Webinar session.  Full instructions on how to access the Webinar will be emailed to you.

Photos credit: copyright Thales


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