TopOwl goes digital

Jun 23. 2016 

As the flagship HMSD for the Tiger and NH-90 helicopters, TopOwl is very popular with pilots. Custom-fitted to the head shape of each individual pilot, it offers unparalleled comfort and accurately slaves sensors and weapon systems to the line of sight.

With over 1,000 units delivered and a further 1,600 on order, TopOwl is the only binocular helmet with visor-projected imagery and built-in night vision functionality enabling helicopters to be flown day and night. It has a proven record of success on deployments in Afghanistan, Libya and Mali.

“TopOwl is compatible with all sensors and signals, and is a critical component of the Tiger and NH-90 helicopter's weapon systems, displaying HD images and complex symbology,” says Pascal Point. “Pilots regard their TopOwl to be as important as their individual weapon systems.”

Look at a pilot’s testimonial

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